You’re familiar with “Secret Santa,” the fun game where everyone in the office puts their name in a hat (or empty coffee pot) and then picks one. You must then present a gift to that person, who does not know who the giver is. The following true stories prove that some Santas should remain secret!

If it’s the thought that counts, this one doesn’t get past zero: An already scratched off lottery ticket—that lost!

The best seat in the house: After a random conversation about cold toilet seats, Grandma gave this lady a squishy toilet seat for her birthday. At least Grams was paying attention and being thoughful!

Follow the science: One poor soul received two free promotional tickets to the science museum—that had already expired.

And who hasn’t received the fancy dollar store tin of flavored popcorn, all squishy and sticky because it expired 2 years ago?

I have to directly quote this one: “My sister got my grandfather’s glass eye and what was even better he cut a hole in it and put a string through it so she could wear it as a necklace.”