Categories Caregiving Inspiration

Spring Thaw for a Wintry Cold Heart

Where are the compassion, empathy, and kindness today? Considering recent local and world events, we have to wonder why there is so much anger and hate in the world. How should we act and react in a world gone mad?

Empathy is understanding the feelings of another person.
Compassion is expressing sympathy for someone.
Kindness is empathy and compassion in action.

There are various examples of response to need. Notice that the above definitions all involve action. We all need caring, affection, kindness, and love. Are we willing to feel those feelings and show them by caring, unselfish actions?

I am a mother of three children and I was the caregiver for my mom who had Alzheimer’s disease. Caring for Mom was a challenge. I had 3 teenagers and Mom, and my mother moved into our house and lived with us. Our family members all shared some responsibility for her care.

I washed her, changed her, and helped feed her when necessary. One day a week I drove Mom to adult daycare for three hours to let her socialize, which allowed me to take a break.

Mom had a discipline problem in class while my younger son, Raymond, had a behavior problem in high school. My husband and I were especially challenged, being sandwiched between the two generations. My children babysat when I needed to go grocery shopping. Some people with Alzheimer’s cannot be left alone.

I want to commend anyone who is performing these tasks. Any act of kindness and thoughtfulness should be appreciated and acknowledged by the recipient. But if they are not in a state to recognize or return the kindness, it should be enough to know that you are helping a needy person.

God bless you! We can all make a difference in this generation that can last for generations to come.

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