Stay Active This Winter!

Ideas to Get—and Keep—Your Body and Mind in Motion

Snow is on the ground, and that can make a difference in the lifestyle of Lehigh Valley residents who may have a little snow on the roof, as the saying goes. Staying active during the winter can be particularly important for older adults, whose activities may be hindered by colder weather and shorter days. Physical, mental, and spiritual exercise is just as important during adverse conditions as when the weather is friendlier.

Here are several ways our senior friends can fight the winter slump and maintain physical and mental activity while awaiting spring. Some may require driving to a destination, so be careful!

A quick Google search can reveal times, places, and other options for the suggestions suggested below.

Indoor Physical Activities

Community Centers Many local community and senior centers in the Lehigh Valley offer indoor activities like yoga, tai chi, and aerobics tailored to older adults. Some offer card and board games, indoor sports, lectures, meals, interest groups, and other incentives for physical and mental stimulation (known as “fun”!).

Mall Walking Malls provide a climate-controlled space for walking and socializing. Be sure to take a few bucks with you in case you get hungry or can’t resist that item in the window!

Home Exercise While watching the snow fall and the birds flit by, you can also watch exercise DVDs, YouTube videos, or apps, where you can find gentle or more vigorous workouts, stretches, and chair exercises. After your workout, challenge your brain with quizzes and games from YouTube or a paper or magazine.

Gym Memberships Some gyms have senior-friendly classes and equipment. Check for programs like SilverSneakers, which is covered by most Medicare Advantage (not original Medicare) plans. The SilverSneakers fitness program, offered at no additional cost to seniors on eligible Medicare plans, helps you get active and connect with others. It includes live online fitness classes, on-demand videos, and access to thousands of gyms across the country.

Outdoor Activities

Winter Walking Bundle up and take walks in well-cleared parks or trails. Many state parks in Pennsylvania maintain accessible paths. Go with a friend or family member so you have someone other than squirrels to talk to! Make sure you have sturdy, non-slip footwear.

Snowshoeing or Cross-Country Skiing or Sledding or Tobogganing or Skating The Lehigh Valley boasts local and nearby ski and winter sport areas. Ask about gentle and low-impact options to enjoy nature safely, with the emphasis on “enjoy.”

Bird Watching As seasons change, so does the bird population. Watching the birds and squirrels hustle about is a relaxing activity, whether done through a window or while wrapped in appropriate outdoor clothing. Of course, feeding them helps increase the population!

Social Engagement

Book Clubs and Hobby Groups Meeting with fellow enthusiasts makes for delightful and educational conversation. Libraries and social centers offer usually-free opportunities to get together around various topics and interests. Not sure what interests you? Drop in anyway and get a feel for something different!

Volunteering Many organizations, such as libraries, food banks, and religious and social service agencies, welcome volunteers, especially during the winter when needs are greatest.

Faith-Based Groups Participate in special events, study groups, or community outreach projects. If you are already a member of a group, volunteer to become more active in services if possible.

Cultural and Educational Opportunities

Museums and Libraries Explore the Valley’s rich history and art in the comfort and peace of the indoors. Some venues specialize in painting and sculpture, motor vehicles, guitars, native culture, wildlife, crayons, science, local history—all kinds of stuff!

Lifelong Learning Programs You’re never too old to learn, especially if you are old enough to know what you don’t know! Many local colleges and universities, as well as technical schools, offer in-person and online classes for adults. Learn a new hobby, a new language, a new recipe, a new hobby, or a new exercise! Make new friends and new brain cells!

Virtual Classes Learn a new skill or hobby from the comfort of home. A virtual class is a real class online, where you pretend you are there!

Maintaining a Healthy Routine

Nutrition If you are used to eating out at restaurants or a friend’s house, staying indoors may limit your menu options. A lack of activity may decrease your appetite, but eat well (especially warm dishes!) and drink plenty of liquids.

Regular Sleep Patterns Shorter, darker days and lack of activity can mess up your sleep patterns, usually resulting in more time in bed. Keep a consistent sleep schedule for better overall health.

Vitamin D Reduced exposure to sunlight can decrease vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is essential for bone and gut health. Ask your medical professional for advice.

Stay Safe and Warm

  • Make sure steps, sidewalks, driveways, and other pathways are clear of ice and precipitation. Snow isn’t the only thing that falls in the winter!
  • Wear proper shoes, boots, or whatever it takes to keep warm and balanced.
  • Wear layers of clothing to help insulate thinning senior skin from the cold and wind.
  • If driving is not an option, use local transportation providers, such as buses and non-medical transport.

Do you need specific resources or recommendations for the Lehigh Valley? Look for help in our directory in the back of this magazine, or call our Lifestyles experts at 217-772-8210!

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