Dementia-Friendly Lehigh Valley: Awareness. Education. Empowerment.

The Lehigh Valley Dementia-Friendly Coalition seeks to raise awareness of, and reduce the stigma surrounding, Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders through our Dementia-Friendly Lehigh Valley initiative.

Approximately 25,000 individuals are living with Alzheimer’s in the Lehigh Valley. The vision of the Lehigh Valley Dementia-Friendly Coalition is to create a greater community that embraces and encourages people with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders by cultivating dignity, empowerment, and autonomy. The Coalition envisions a community of organizations and individuals equipped to support people living with dementia so they can remain in the community and engage and thrive in day-to-day living.

The Lehigh Valley is one of thousands of communities across the United States recognized as part of the National Dementia Friendly America initiative.

Dementia-Friendly Lehigh Valley comprises organizations, individuals, and municipalities fostering a dementia-friendly community that is more inclusive and supportive of those living with dementia, their families, and care partners.

Each sector of a community has a unique role to play in contributing toward dementia friendliness, whether it is a hospital or health care setting, a business or retail location, community-based service, faith community, local government, or residential care provider.

The members of Dementia-Friendly Lehigh Valley are hard at work in our goal to raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.

Some accomplishments to date:
  • Development of a strategic plan for 2022 and 2023
  • Brochure development
  • Outreach to Community Conversations participants
  • Grant funding for website creation
  • Presence at Alzheimer’s Association Conference
  • Approved as a member of Dementia Friendly America
  • Donations from three organizations: Morningstar Senior Living, Phoebe Ministries, and United Way
  • Physician Training Course developed at St Luke’s University Health Network
  • E-newsletter with resources developed and distributed monthly
  • Meeting with the Chamber of Commerce’s Business and Non-Profit board.
The following work groups are involved with different initiatives and aspects of DFLV. Each group has a work plan and a team lead(s). If you would like to learn more about any particular work group, please contact us today.

Professional Education
Promotes greater awareness of, and access to, dementia detection and diagnosis via primary care and health systems; encourages patients and caregivers to connect to community service programs; and increases use of existing information and tools for detection, diagnosis, treatment, and care.

Awareness and Marketing
Provides oversight to DFLV to ensure that strategic initiatives and communication efforts align with one another to maximize regional awareness of the movement.

Advocacy and Safety
Advocates for programming (such as Project Lifesaver / Silver Alert) that enhances safety and protection for those living with dementia and other neurocognitive conditions.

Community Education
Educates people within the community about how to better interact with, and be a “friend” to, someone with dementia. Educates others about dementia, increasing understanding with the hope that they can be helpful in their interactions with people who live with the disease.

Provides new member cultivation, outreach, and onboarding for steering committee and work groups. Tracks membership accountabilities and terms.
Contact Dementia-Friendly Lehigh Valley at our website:

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